Lent's Machinery is Proud to present
Crosscut Solutions Cut-off Saw
Model CS14M , (available in right or left hand), mechanically operated cut-off saw, 2" x 8" capacity, 7.5 H.P. motor, TEFC, 230/460,/3phase, 60 cycle, magnetic starter with 110 control voltage, standard cycle speed of 133 cycles/minute, 14" saw blade not included.
Model CS14P, (available in right or left hand), pneumatically operated cut-off saw, 2" x 8" capacity, 7.5 H.P. motor, TEFC 230/460/,3 phase, 60 cycle, magnetic starter with 110 volt control voltage, adjustable cutting cycle speed of up to 90 cycles/minute, 14" saw blade not included.
Model CS18M, (available in right or left hand), mechanically operated cut-off saw, 2" x 12" capacity, 7.5 H. P. motor, TEFC, 230/460/,3 phase, 60 cycle, magnetic starter with 110 volt control voltage, standard cycle speed of 133 cycles/minute, 18" saw blade not included.
Model CS18P, (available in right or left hand), pneumatically operated cut-off saw, 2" x 12" capacity, 7.5 H.P. motor, TEFC 230/460/,3 phase, 60 cycle, magnetic starter with 110 volt control voltage, adjustable cutting cycle speed of up to 90 cycles/minute, 18" saw blade not included.
Model CS18P2x24, (available in right or left hand), Cut capacity of 2” thick by 24” wide, this also has a cutting envelope of 1” x 26” An overhead pneumatic clamp controlled a solenoid valve that is activated by an electric foot switch.
Once clamped, the saw is activate by a double palm switch with a safety interlock The saw is cycled by a pneumatic cylinder with a hydra-check cylinder to give positive control of the saw movement 7.5 HP TEFC (230/460/60/3 motor, starter enclosure with a contactor Fuses and transformer to produce 110 volt for the control voltage Saw blade is 18” dia. with 1” bore, saw blade not included 2 – 4” dust collection outlets with a total of 900 CFM at 5000 fpm velocity at 4” WG The saw floor space is 32” wide by 55” deep